Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A New Year!

This year I decided to start a blog to help me kind of keep a record of what Craig and I are up to.  So far things have been going great. I am in my Elementary Senior Practicum and should be doing my student teaching either in the spring, or the fall.  That means this is the year I will finish with school!  Yay!  It seems too good to be true. Craig just got the Head Varsity Coach at Madison High school and it keeps him super busy, but he really enjoys it.  I really like it too cause he lets me come and help him and it is fun to get to know the girls and be a part of their fun in volleyball.  Craig and I are really excited about the place that we are living this year because it has a club house with an indoor pool and hot tub.  It is my favorite thing to go to the hot tub when I am freezing in this Idaho weather.  It's not so bad though because last weekend we rented some sleds and went sledding! It was great!  There were some little kids going down this one hill and we decided to join them, but it turns out that the hill they were going down was extremely steep, so I only went down it like once haha!  They were brave little Idaho kids.  This year will be a lot of fun and we are excited to see what is in store for us!

1 comment:

  1. Jen!!! Im so glad you guys have a blog now!!! I wish you lived closer so we could grab lunch and stuff! How are things?! Any babies soon?!?? Haha i hope your enjoying idaho! Love you!
    Me and Tay's blog is:
